Kavali to Nellore Distance:
Kavali is a town in the Andhra Pradesh state of India’s Nellore district. Kavali to nellore distance by bus is 57 km
Kavali To Nellore Travel Time
From Kavali to Nellore, there is a direct cab service. A cab ride from Kavali should take no more than 1h 2m. The quickest method to get from Kavali to Nellore is by bus, which takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. Cab travel from Kavali to Nellore is the quickest option, followed by bus travel. One advantage is that there are numerous buses accessible every 30 minutes from Kavali to Nellore. We have regular, express, and super luxury buses available, with trip times of 1h 45 minutes, 1.30 minutes, and 1h 15 minutes, respectively.

Kavali to Nellore Distance By Bus
Kavali to Nellore Distance By Bus is 60 km, the journey from Kavali to Nellore takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Due to road conditions and a different travel route, the estimated travel time by bus from Kavali to Nellore may vary or take longer than the time noted above. Because travel time is calculated based on crow fly distance, there may be no road or bus connectivity. The bus fare from Kavali to Nellore is likely to be around Rs.75.
Kavali To Nellore Road Map
The route map began in Kavali and ended in Nellore, with stops at Musunuru Toll Plaza, Gowravaram, Sri Venkateswarapalem, Bitragunta, Alluru Road, Talamanchi, Rajupalem, Kovuru, and the Nellore Bus Station.