Gudur to Tirupati Distance:
The aerial distance between Gudur and Tirupati is 67 km, while the distance from Gudur to Tirupati is 96.3 km. It is 84 km by train. There are 20 direct trains from Gudur to Tirupati.
Gudur to Tirupati Car Fare:
It depends upon the car type A/C or Non A/C, Car Seat Capacity, Model(Economical, SUV, Sedan and Tempo Traveller) and How Many people are traveling. They usually charge approximate gudur to tirupati cab price is Rs. 20 per kilometre and tollgate charges extra.
Gudur to Tirupati Bus Timings:
Gudur to Tirupati Bus starts from 7.30 am and ends at 9.15 pm. Bus Journey it will take 2 hours.
Gudur to Tirupati Bus Fare:
It depends upon the bus type (passenger, express, delex, superluxury). Charges start from Rs. 80 to 120 rs.
Gudur to Tirupati Train:
There are about 10 trains running from Gudur to Tirupati on a daily basis. The following trains depart for Tirupati from Gudur. KERALA EXPRESS (12626), NARAYANADRI EXP (12734), HWH YPR EXPRESS (12863), SHESHADRI EXP (17210), SABARI EXP (17230) and so on.
Gudur to Tirupati Train Fare:
Train fare for passenger – Rs. 50, Express and super fast is Rs. 100.( it may change depends upon train)
How to Reach Gudur to Tirupati:
Reach Gudur to Tirupati By Train or By Bus or By Cab.By Train is the best way to reach faster.
There is a pathway Gudur to Tirupati By Road:
Gudur – Naidupeta – Srikalahasti – Renigunta- Tirupati.
By Bus – 2 hours
By Train – 1 hour 35 mins