Naidupet to Vijayawada – Distance, Trains, RTC Buses, Bus Timings, Bus Fare

Naidupet to Vijayawada Distance: Naidupet is a town which is located in Nellore district in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Vijayawada is a City which is located Krishna District in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The distance between Naidupet to Vijayawada is 346km’s via NH16.

naidupet to vijayawada distance

Naidupet to Vijayawada Travel Time:

From Naidupet to Vijayawada there is a car, Bus and Train service. The time takes approximately 5hr 50mins. Travel time may depend on vehicles.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Trains:

From Naidupet to Vijayawada there are 11 trains that run on this route.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Trains List:

  • PINAKINI EXPRESS (12712) Starts at 15:45pm – 21:10 pm it takes 5hr 25 mins.
  • JAN SHATABDI EXPRESS (12077) starts at 09:00 am – 02.30Pm it takes 5hr 50 mins.
  • ALLP DHN EXPRESS (13352) departure at 23:45 pm – 05:15 am it takes 5hr 30 mins.
  • CHARMINAR EXPRESS (12759) starts at 19:50pm – 00:45am it takes 4hr 55mins.

These 4 trains runs from Naidupet to Vijayawada on Daily Basis. The remaining trains were run on Weekly basis.

First train from Naidupet – Vijayawada

The first train from Naidupet – Vijayawada is DHANBAD EXPRESS and it leaves Naidupet at 12:35 am.

Last train from Naidupet – Vijayawada

The last train from Naidupet – Vijayawada is CHARMINAR EXPRESS and it leaves Naidupet at 19:50 pm.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Buses APSRTC / Naidupet to Vijayawada RTC Buses:

From Naidupet to Vijayawada it takes 5hr 50 mins around 346 km’s. There are around 33 buses on service from Naidupet to Vijayawada.

One can book their bus tickets from Naidupet to Vijayawada by using official websites or apps. We have Regular Express buses, Super luxury buses and Private travels on trip time for 1 hour.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Bus Timings

The first Vijayawada bus starts from 12:40 am and it reaches on 6:20 am it takes 5hr 48mins. The last Vijayawada bus was 7:55 pm and it arrives on 12:50 am it takes 4 hr 55 mins to reach destination.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Bus Fare/ Naidupet to Vijayawada Bus Rate: The bus ticket charge starts from 450Rs onwards to Vijayawada.

Naidupet to Vijayawada Route

The route began in Naidupet and ends in Vijayawada. There are some towns in between these two places, stops at Gudur, Nellore, Kavali , Ongole , Chirala, Tenali, Guntur and Vijayawada. Total 6 Toll plazas are located in between Naidupet to Vijayawada

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